
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end//Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories (c).
10 Things We DON'T Like (So Far) About Marvel NOW!
Да, я ненавижу Марвел именно за эти десять вещей (и еще плюс много к этом списку). И я обязана процитировать пункт 6

Remember when it used to be a running joke that Wolverine's mutant power was the ability to appear in so many different comics as once? Well, although Marvel NOW! is leaving that part of the character's appeal intact - He'll have six (!!!) ongoing titles to star in on a regular basis (Wolverine, Savage Wolverine, Wolverine and the X-Men, Avengers, Uncanny Avengers and All-New X-Men) - it is spreading that ability to other characters. Iron Man, for example, who will have five (!!!) regular titles by March: Iron Man, Avengers, New Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Guardians of The Galaxy. Captain America, too, is going to be getting around, what with Captain America, Avengers, New Avengers, Uncanny Avengers and Avengers Assemble. Suddenly, Thor - who "only" appears in Thor, Avengers, Uncanny Avengers and Avengers Assemble - seems to be slacking.

Pity poor Spider-Man; once Marvel's most popular (and omnipresent) character, now he's only regularly appearing in three titles simultaneously (Superior Spider-Man, Avenging Spider-Man and Avengers). That's just as many as Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel, Avengers and Avengers Assemble), and, really, Spidey? That's hardly even trying these days.

With the Marvel Universe filled with so many wonderful characters, couldn't we see a little less of the big names, and have a little bit more variety in the line-up of Marvel's team books? Come on, people: Black Talon is just waiting for the high-profile gig that has eluded him for so long.

И если продолжить говорить про Логана - Bunn Writes Two Generations of ULTIMATE COMICS WOLVERINE
Но постойте, скажите вы, Логана убили в Ультиматуме! Убили, угу, все верно, но авторы вспомнили про магию флешбеков (фраза не моя, а из статьи).
*забилась в угол* Логан... Он теперь везде :apstenu::apstenu::apstenu:

@темы: По страницам комиксов, X-men

26.12.2012 в 19:52

Помню я тоже когда-то тоже с ума сходил из-за Логана (который похоже размножается почкованием), но сейчас смирился. Все равно мы ниче не сделаем((
Картинка в тему:

27.12.2012 в 00:10

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end//Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories (c).
Stryfe, да я знаю, что не сделаем, но все равно обидно... Столько годных героев прозябают в забытии.